The Unspoken Rules of Coding for Both Novice and Sage Developers

In the world of coding, there are certain principles that developers follow, whether they are beginners or experts. These rules may not be written in textbooks or taught in coding boot camps, but they hold significant value in the programming community. In this article, we will explore the unspoken rules of coding for both novice and sage developers, guiding both the inexperienced and the seasoned on their coding journeys.

Understanding the Basics of Coding Etiquette

One of the most important things for a novice developer to understand is coding etiquette. It’s about more than just writing functional code. Code should be clean, readable, and maintainable. While these are not strict rules, following them will save time and effort for everyone involved.

For beginners, coding may seem intimidating, and learning the technical details is a priority. But, as they progress, novice developers start to realize the importance of structure and simplicity. The unspoken rules of coding for both novice and sage developers demand that you always remember the person who will read your code, whether it’s a teammate or your future self.

Keep Your Code Simple

A common mistake for both novices and experienced developers is over-complicating solutions. Simple code is easy to read, understand, and maintain. The goal should always be clarity, not cleverness. This doesn’t mean you should avoid using advanced techniques, but it’s important to balance complexity with readability.

In the early days of learning to code, it’s tempting to solve problems in the most complex way possible to demonstrate skill. However experienced developers know that the simplest solution is often the best. The unspoken rules of coding for both novice and sage developers suggest keeping code as straightforward as possible to prevent unnecessary confusion.

Commenting Your Code Effectively

Comments are essential for helping others (and yourself) understand your code in the future. They serve as documentation within the code itself, explaining why certain decisions were made. However, comments should not be used to explain every single line. They should be used to clarify non-obvious logic or complex sections of the code.

For beginners, it’s easy to overuse comments as a crutch. Writing, “This line adds 1 to the variable” is unnecessary if the code clearly shows this action. On the other hand, if a section of code handles a specific bug or edge case, it’s helpful to include a comment explaining that. The unspoken rules of coding for both novice and sage developers dictate that comments should add value and not clutter the code.

Avoid Redundant Comments

One of the first habits novice coders pick up is over-commenting. While it may seem helpful to comment on every line, this can quickly become a burden. Comments should be concise and to the point. If your code is clear, fewer comments are needed.

More experienced developers tend to use comments sparingly and with purpose. They understand that code should, ideally, be self-explanatory. When you do need comments, keep them relevant and make sure they stay up-to-date as the code evolves.

Embrace the Power of Version Control

Version control is an essential tool for developers of all levels. It allows you to track changes in your code, collaborate with others, and maintain a history of your project. Whether you are working alone or in a team, using version control is non-negotiable.

Novice developers often underestimate the importance of version control, thinking it’s only necessary for large teams or complex projects. But even small personal projects benefit from using systems like Git. As developers become more experienced, they come to appreciate version control for what it is—a lifeline. One of the unspoken rules of coding for both novice and sage developers is to always use version control, regardless of the project size.

Commit Often and Meaningfully

A common mistake for new developers is not committing code frequently enough or creating unhelpful commit messages like “fixed bugs.” Instead, commits should be frequent, and each message should be descriptive. This way, you and your collaborators can easily track changes and understand the project’s history.

More seasoned developers commit their code regularly and write clear commit messages. This habit makes it easier to revert to previous versions if something goes wrong.

Test Your Code Thoroughly

Testing is a critical part of the coding process. Writing tests ensures that your code works as expected and continues to work even after changes are made. Both novice and experienced developers should make testing a priority.

For beginners, testing might seem overwhelming at first, but it’s an essential skill to develop early on. Seasoned developers, on the other hand, understand that automated testing saves time in the long run and prevents bugs from creeping into the system. The unspoken rules of coding for both novice and sage developers stress the importance of thorough testing to maintain code reliability.

Don’t Skip Unit Tests

Unit tests are small tests that check individual parts of your code. Novice developers might not always see the value in writing unit tests, especially when under time pressure. However, experienced developers know that unit tests are vital for ensuring code quality and preventing issues.

Skipping tests might save you time in the short term, but it often leads to bugs that are harder to fix later. Incorporating unit tests into your coding routine is an unspoken rule that will make your code stronger.

Learn from Mistakes and Feedback

Every developer, no matter how experienced, makes mistakes. What sets the best apart is their ability to learn from those mistakes and grow. Novice developers are often hesitant to seek feedback or admit they don’t know something, but this can hinder their progress.

Experienced developers know that feedback is one of the most valuable tools for improvement. Whether it’s through code reviews, debugging sessions, or discussions with colleagues, feedback helps refine your skills. One of the unspoken rules of coding for both novice and sage developers is to embrace mistakes as learning opportunities.

Code Reviews: A Learning Opportunity

Code reviews are a chance to learn from others and improve your coding skills. For novices, this process might seem intimidating, but it’s one of the best ways to learn. Getting feedback from more experienced developers will highlight areas for improvement that you may not have noticed.

Seasoned developers participate in code reviews not only to improve their code but also to mentor others. The review process ensures that the entire team benefits from shared knowledge and best practices.

Stay Updated with New Technologies

The world of technology is constantly evolving. New languages, frameworks, and tools are introduced regularly, and both novice and experienced developers need to stay updated.

For beginners, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer number of technologies available. The key is to focus on mastering the fundamentals before branching out into new tools. More experienced developers understand that while it’s impossible to learn everything, staying current with trends in the field is necessary for long-term success.

Find a Balance Between Learning and Mastery

One of the unspoken rules of coding for both novice and sage developers is to find a balance between learning new skills and mastering existing ones. Novice developers often jump from one technology to the next without fully understanding any of them. It’s important to focus on a few key skills and become proficient before moving on to the next tool.

On the other hand, seasoned developers are often set in their ways and resistant to change. Staying comfortable with old technologies can lead to stagnation. It’s important to stay curious and open to learning, even after years of experience.


Coding is not just about writing functional programs; it’s about writing maintainable, readable, and efficient code. Whether you are just starting or have been coding for years, following the unspoken rules of coding for both novice and sage developers will help you grow as a programmer. From keeping your code simple to embracing feedback and staying updated with new technologies, these unspoken rules are essential for success in the coding world.

By understanding and applying these principles, both novices and seasoned developers can improve their coding practices and become better contributors to the software development community. Remember, the journey of coding is one of constant learning, and the unspoken rules serve as a guide to help you navigate it with confidence. Read More viewdod.